POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Mac Beta 10 issues : Mac Beta 10 issues Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:14:46 EDT (-0400)
  Mac Beta 10 issues  
From: Josh English
Date: 18 Jan 2002 16:02:44
Message: <3C488D32.D198DD54@spiritone.com>
1. This was a strange one. I made an include file with all of my scene
components, including the camera, and when I rendered this scene, it
gave me a satisfactory image. I then commented out the camera in the
include scene, included the whole scene into another file (I'll be doing
a lot this on this project) and added the exact same camera defintion
that was in the include file. The camera was not in the same place the
second time around. After a quit and restart both scenes rendered the
same way. It was almost like the data for the location of camera in the
include file was being stored somewhere and not being overwritten. No
big deal. I attribute it to iMac gremlins

2. The template menu doesn't load. I never knew how much I used it until
it was gone. I checked the preference to load the template menu
automatically and it didn't work. I can't test trashing prefs and
restarting because of...

3. Every time I launch POV-Ray my system gives me a -18 error. (Driver Can't
respond to Status Call). The text of the error message is "The
Application "POV-Ray Mac 3.5" could be opened because "POV-Ray Mac 3.5"
could be found (-18)."

All on a G3 233Mhz iMac running OS 9.2.1

I'm trying to find some information on this error, because I do suspect
my system is part of the problem. Rebuilding the desktop doesn't take
care of it. POV-Ray 3.5 won't run with extensions off (it tells me that
various libraries cannot be found)

I'm stumped, and sadly, not tracing anything in 3.5 for a while.

Josh English
eng### [at] spiritonecom

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